This Sabian symbol is illuminated at 11:22 PM EDT September 4
Each individual has his or hers personal affinities. it is like a kinship with certain ways of life realized in the same way one can have a kinship with others.
While kinship may be something generally thought to be in place, as the players on the family tree might be, today, there is a changeable dynamic. One may have family in the long line of the McDonald clan, and yet feel an affinity to the hunters of the great plains, the classical forms of Indian dance, or Nordic styles of weaving.
Good day for being attentive to the changeability of the mind, however, know that you have forgotten more about your personal affinities than you will come learn. Feeling and memory flow in the river of forgetfulness. Take time trying to sort these things out for yourself. A definite result is not necessarily the goal, however, do pay the ferryman a coin. It is worth the trip.
Sabian Sage © 2016 Blain Bovee
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