"A sight-seeing tour" 1 Scorpio
This symbol is illuminated 8:13 PM EDT Oct 22 (1:13 AM GMT, Oct 23)
Theme: Tourist
Inspiration: An open attitude to respond openly to every and all experiences, a full range of interest, rides upon the touchstone of friendliness.
Today: Lets see now… where is friendliness on the character list pertaining to Scorpios… hmmm. And how unfair! Right here you have a Scorpio ready to board a sight-seeing bus with the willingness and interest to receive whatever comes along as a signal for sharing an open spectrum of experience.
This amounts to a realization that stereotypes are, as astute and characteristically true as they can be, artificial conceptual boundaries.
Yes, it is like a bonk on the head. Ultra intense and secretive Scorpio can be open, interested and friendly. A kind, if outrageous word, an opinion, even if skewed and bent, can open a whole clam shell of Scorpionic charm.
"Why Henry", you might say, "That Scorpio listened with interest to everything I had to say!"
Why? Because it is all a kaleidoscope of rich experience… farm hand or city slicker; polished and educated or unrefined and blunt. Life is a sight-seeing tour. Fate is at the wheel. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
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