"A false call unheard in the attention to immediate service" 30 Virgo
This symbol is illuminated 10:17 AM EDT Sep 21 (2:17 PM GMT, Sep 21)
Theme: Cry "Wolf!".
Inspiration: There is 'gaining attention', 'paying no attention', and then there is knowing when to drop everything in the call to immediate attention.
Today: The culmination of the Virgoan journey is an expression of well-refined character marked by wholesome and fertile presence.
Knowing what to do and when to do it, defines abundance in Virgoan script.
Imagine the shouts of children, "come quick!", as if the sky were falling and impending disaster loomed near. Imagine the settler mother paying no heed while attending to chores immediately at hand.
The point is, if the neighbour's barn is on fire, everything is dropped without hesitation, but trivial matters hold no sway nor garner unwarrented attention.
Pay attention to felt memories, perhaps of those dearly departed. The screen between worlds parts easily today, allowing for important communications.
Matters past rush forward; immediate concerns reveal suddenly: mindful personal presence carries the day.
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