"A Christmas tree decorated" 9 Taurus
This symbol is illuminated 5:11 PM EDT Apr 27 9:11 PM GMT, Apr 27)
Theme: Hooks and needles
Inspiration: The Christmas tree is symbol on many deeply important levels. Decorating a tree is actually a rather strange procedure unless there is some ritual sensibility brought to bear.
Today: Coniferous trees used for Christmas celebrations have needles that can prick. Ornaments which adorn the tree have hooks… the whole matter can easily go to a painful point unless…
Imagine blessing an activity before it is begun. It may be something not completely in accord with your values or sensibilities, but with the right fore-intention, becomes something wholly other.
Just like chopping down a tree for a brief Christmas season celebration, if done with right ceremonial intention, the whole activity can take on generous infusions of joy, sense and wonder.
And so today, if something is important to you, do a little silent ritual preparation. say the words of positive intent, to yourself, "May I receive and honour…". Fill in the blank yourself.
For the magic and wonder of trees works swiftly to fulfill, and longs to point you in the right direction, free of hooks and needles.
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