"A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters" 10 Libra
This symbol is illuminated 9:10 AM EDT Oct 2 (1:10 PM GMT, Oct 2)
Theme: Navigation.
Inspiration: One is not conscious of how the body stands, walks, runs. Somehow it just knows what to do.
Today: Challenging situations are often navigated successfully by means that are less than consciously known or understood.
Consider shooting rapids in a canoe. The more fear and thinking brought to the challenge, the less likely one is to make it into calmer waters without tipping over or wrecking on rocks.
Or consider the complexities of simple movements through space. How does the body know to stand, balance and walk? How do fledglings know when and how to fly?
The day brings a flow of smoothness to it, suggesting the difficulties are able to be navigated. You know how. You just do not know how you know.
The trick is to let it happen as if a deeper wisdom is at work, guiding the way through dangerous waters.
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