A strong sense of privacy runs through Capricorn 30. It is the equivalent of singing "Ain't Nobody's Business What I Do".
The secret business conference may well apply to major decisions made in history. Changing the standard of currency, for example, meting out shares of an inherited past.
There is also a spiritual stream of sense.In private or secret chambers, a genius for arriving at accordance in matters being conferred upon, is highlighted. Finding the right balance through negotiation or inner reflections is also to be expected.
It is also interesting to note that the word 'powwow' meaning conference, derives from an Algonquian name for medicine man... literally, "he who apprehends by dreams'.
As the fifth degree-symbol in this series, and the final Capricorn degree, things tend to work out well... a way is found to move forward based on agreement reached in secret. However, there is a sense that what is agreed upon can set in motion things that will have long-term effects and consequences, just as there is a sense that decisions are based largely on what has already transpired in the past... like an inherited history.
Blain Bovee
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