Inherited influence...
The key words in Virgo 11... 'molded', 'aspiration'... are rich in archaic sense. However, unfolding the deep and layered sense found within them is not necessarily immediately apparent.
We know 'aspiration' is built upon the root word 'spirit', that spirit is a word for breath, that breath and breathing in a living being follows a rhythmic inspiration, expiration. We know that to breathe upon someone or something is the literal sense of 'aspire'.
Now think of the natural developmental process of growing up under the guidance and influence of your parents and family. The influence is highly determinative of values assumed. But as you grow into a stronger sense of independent individuality, it could be said that your job is to grow beyond those influences.
And 'aspiration' also means the process by which air-passages are cleared... sucked clean as in a vacuum cleaner action... so.....
If you can see your way clear to what is beyond your own influences, you have the core sense of Virgo 11.
Blain Bovee
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