Being at cross-purposes and getting away with it...
Many are dismayed by the word 'wrecked' in the Cancer 5 symbol. Does sound rather extreme. one can envision a car crushed by the powerful force of an on-coming train.
But this is a 5th degree symbol and there is an inherent knack for pulling things off in all 5th degree symbols. So the sense of 'wrecked' may be more a matter of losing your individuality by going along with the conventional track(s).
Look at the word 'auto'. Marc Edmund Jones changed 'auto' on the original notecard to 'automobile' No big deal... right?
Well no, it isn't a big deal unless you miss the core sense of 'auto' meaning 'self'. The key is to feel the tension, in this symbol often exhilarating, between an individual and the prevailing social tracks.
So in this light, picture an individual racing a train to the crossing. Going cross-purposes with the collective direction, but maintaining a strong sense of individuality. Sure, that may be a project that can wreck for time to time. But this is not a big bad scary symbol. I have never found anyone with a big bad story to tell about how this symbol manifests in their lives.
We note that Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett passed over yesterday. Another sense of crossing the tracks ?
Blain Bovee
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