Getting the hang of it...
"A Christmas tree" may seem an odd symbol for a late april date. Clearly, it is something about the seasonal factor... in season or oout of season; a tree indoors that belongs naturally outdoors... plus the fact that the tree is decorated.
Christmas tree decorations hang on the boughs of the tree. Often, they are hung with hooks... wire devices that hook on the branches. The hook theme runs through many of the 9th degree symbols. It is an important motif to follow and apply in interpreting each 9th degree symbol.
Christmas trees are also evergreen trees sporting an abundance of needles. Look at the opposing symbol "Dental work" in 9 Scorpio. Dental work can most definitely be a needling experience. Even the tools used in dentistry are sharp, pointed, sometimes bearing tiny hooks designed to permit the dentist to dig around while examining the health or lack thereof of teeth.
You get the point.
The challenge in this symbol, is to use the hooks for constructive purposes, rather than get hung up on something that doesn't seem to work. Hence the theme 'getting the hang of it'.
Blain Bovee
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